Our Vision

To See All of Northern Virginia Become FORGED.

"Forged" isn’t just a cool word—it’s our vision. At The Foundry, we believe every person in Northern Virginia is meant to be FORGED—shaped by God into something stronger. Each letter represents a measure we use to grow in faith and purpose. Below you can see how we break it down and how you can forge a life-long reliance on God.

Focused on God’s Kingdom

A million things are vying for our attention, but what really matters? The things that matter are the things that will last: the things in the Kingdom of God. If we focus on those things we are sure to be a part of something that will last forever.

Ask yourself: How will I advance the mission today?

Owning My Spiritual Growth

A relationship with God is something that no one else can have for you. No one else can pray for you, read for you, forge for you. So we believe in the importance of owning our spiritual growth.

Ask yourself: How will I live today so I can thrive tomorrow?

Responsible for Inviting Others

We believe that every member of The Foundry should be close to God and close to someone far from God. Because of what Jesus has done for us, the most loving and powerful thing we can do for others is to go to them and invite them to come and see who Jesus is and what He has done for us.

Ask yourself: Who will God send my way today?

Growing As a Leader Worth Following

Every person, no matter their age, job, gender, or abilities, has a sphere of influence. So believe in living as a person worthy of trust and leadership so that others have the best opportunity to encounter Jesus. We say, as Paul did, follow me as I follow Christ.

Ask yourself: How will I live a legacy today?

Embracing Christian Community

The Foundry cultivates a culture of “others first.” To do this, we step up to the table of life with others in an honest and deep community. We know that community can be messy, but community is always worth it.

Ask Yourself: Who will I do life with today?

Developing a Servant’s Heart

If our mission is to guide others, then we must be willing to act as a guide. This means that we are always looking for ways to serve others. If we can make it just a little easier to know Jesus and rely on Him

Ask yourself: How will I seek to serve today?

Our Beliefs

These are essential truths. These things don't change at The Foundry. This is what we believe, and it's at the core of our mission and values.